Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Reasons why I have died and gone to new job heaven

Okay, so I know the focus of this blog was supposed to be about the outdoors and I swear it still will be, really. But what with my hives and my new job and my obsession about the weather, I just can't help myself sometimes. Plus, I figure it's completely your choice to read this or not - it's not like I'm forcing it on you already!

So, today was my first day of full-fledged day of work after six months of working from home. You can imagine the transition. Here are the realizations I came to along the way - in chronological order.

1. Wow! The Today show actually has a news segment??? Like where they talk about real, live events? It's been so long since I caught the first hour of the show (usually I switch it on around maybe 9 a.m.) that I thought its purpose was just to tell you how to best do your laundry or make a killer quiche from scratch.

2. Sorry, this one should have come first: Wow! The sun actually rises this early???

3. I have been seriously office deprived: I was giddy over things like my door pass code, my insurance forms and the fact that my cube mate can lean over the "wall" and talk to me.

4. It's only 11:15??? Do I really have to be in this one place for roughly six more hours????

5. PCS are so much better than Macs. Seriously, no competition. Accept that Macs do that cool twirly thing when you minimize something.

6. I'm addicted to g-chatting. My fingers were antsy with not being able to chat up all my regular friends at their jobs - I briefly logged into my personal email and it nearly killed me not to be able to strike up a conversation.

7. You can go a WHOLE DAY without ever really being outside. Haven't done that in awhile.

8. It's still only 3? Haven't two days gone by already?

9. So, once you work, there is really no time for anything else. Except for eating and sleeping. No wonder so many of my friends are so exhausted.

10. Having a real job is the best thing, ever. Period.


Jen said...

PCs better than Macs? Really? Now that I have a Mac laptop AND use a Mac at work, I cannot imagine going back to PC. Macs are just so much more functional and stylish than PCs.

The true irony of this comment, though, is that I'm typing it on our nearly extinct PC, since I've already powered down my Mac for the night. You know, because it needs its beauty rest.

Glad you enjoyed your first day of work! Can't wait to hear more about it!

Julia said...

I'm glad your first day went well! I do miss you popping up on gmail chat though!

Kermit said...

So life at the Business Journal is treating you well? You'll settle into the 8-9 hour work day in no time! But yeah, when it's sunny outside being stuck in an office really blows. Especially when there is snow in the hills and skiing or snowshoeing to be done.