Thursday, February 21, 2008


So, I have this serious problem. Maybe you've already guessed if you've been reading this blog. I'm addicted to the sun. There, I said it.

No, this is not funny, this is truly something I worry about. Case-in-point - when it's sunny outside I physically cannot get any work done. It's nearly impossible for me. This last week, when it's been beautiful outside? I've had to force myself to finish all this work I have and it's been painful, I'll tell you. Even now, I can see the sun is starting to come out and I'm having trouble typing this sentence.

This worries me because I'm starting a new job in a couple weeks and I won't be able to dash outside whenever I see a ray of sunshine or take an hour long break to eat on my porch. Hopefully I won't be near a window and just won't know what time of day it is. Luckily, I'm not the only one that has this problem.

Anyway, this train of thought led me to think about some of my other obsessions, in addition to the outdoors and Steve, so, in no particular order, here they are:

1. Coffee: Don't even try to talk to me unless I've had two cups in the morning. And, by the way, I'm a total coffee snob. Folgers is like a swear word.

2. The color red: I realized this just today when I rode my red bike on an errand, wearing red shoes and carrying a red purse.

3. Bread: I would rather be 500 pounds then be on the Atkins diet. This is the German in me speaking.

4. Journalism: This is not a good time to be obsessed with this profession. It might have been easier to be an actress.

5. Chocolate: This love sort of peaks and wanes, from my hey-days in high school when I could eat an entire pound bar of Trader Joe's chocolate for breakfast. (And I wasn't even fat, I swear)

6. LOST: I'm horribly addicted to this show and it actually bothers me to be this into something on television. Tonight, I'm going to the SIA concert with some girl friends and it actually pains me a bit to be missing it, even though ABC will have it for free on its Web site tomorrow. I can't quite put my finger on what I like so much about it: Is it the stunning plot twists or the hot actors?

7. Scary movies: Why I feel the need to scare the crap out of myself, I don't know. My faves: The Ring, The Shining, Blair Witch Project, The Grudge.

Anyway, I'd love to hear what my loyal five readers are obsessed with. Share with me!

P.S. Would you get into an elevator alone with a strange man holding a drill? I pondered this today as I did this very thing.


> said...

All in the name of helping with you with your addictions, I'll attend the SIA concert in your place if you want!! :-)

Kermit said...

Blair Witch? Are you serious? I laughed the whole way through that movie (the rest of the crowd was pissed).