Thursday, February 14, 2008

'If you want to find me I'll be out in the sandbox...'

Is February over yet? I mean, seriously. Is there really a worse month than February? Besides maybe January and March and November and possibly June (because in June it should be summer but it's still overcast and yucky.)

Anyway, to escape the doldrums that inevitably occur this time of year, and because, in a sadly ironic twist of fate, there's still too much snow and avalanche danger to do much in the actual mountains, I decided to find some outdoor activities around the Seattle-area that are 1. New to me, which shouldn't be hard since we just moved here a year ago. 2. Don't involve snowshoes and 3. Make me forget that I'm seriously lacking in Vitamin D. I'll continue adding to it as I find more new escapes.

My first stop, as an in-the-closet Californian, was, of course, the beach. I solicited suggestions and here's a great one: Double Bluff beach on Whidbey Island. Admittedly, visiting this extremely dog-friendly beach without a dog (which Steve and I sadly don't have yet) is a bit like being straight at a gay club. But no matter.

The beach has everything else you could possibly want, including wide expanses of sand to walk on, flat skipping stones, enough surf to feel like you're at a beach and not a lake (by they way, a lake is NEVER a beach. I don't know where these people from Michigan come off. Or Seattle for that matter. Lake Washington does NOT have beaches), piles of driftwood in case you just want to build a house and live there and, to make it even better, it's only an hour and a half by the Mukilteo-Clinton ferry from Seattle. Fully worth the drive.

Somehow, being at the beach, even if it's overcast, always makes me forget that it's not sunny. When I was there today, I was actually treated to a sunbreak. But even if that glorious sunbreak hadn't occured, the fact that I was walking on sand with water nearby automatically makes it a happy day and, thus, a sunny day. (Look, it's this kind of logic you have to adopt if you really want to forget about the winter.)

So, grab your mutt - or someone else's - and hit this beach, bro. I mean, totally.

P.S. If you're really feeling out of place for not having a dog, try carrying a leash. The beach is so big people might not notice your dog isn't really running up ahead somewhere.

And one more thing: my apologies for this video. I blame the pesky sun for the discoloration.


Jen said...

Thanks for the dog-friendly beach suggestion! I thought all Washington beaches banned dogs, but maybe not? We could use a dose of sand and (hopefully) sun, so likely we'll check it out this weekend.

Kermit said...

You need to head over to Vashon Island. I don't know what sort of deal that island made with the devil, but they get more days of sun than the rest of the area. I ca't tell you how any times I've been out where it was cloudy over the entire sound except for the blue patch over Vashon. Seriously...

The Climber's Wife said...

That's a really good suggestion, thanks!