Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Steve will never be able to cheat on me

Not because I think he's incapable of it (although, actually, I kind of do) but mostly because he CANNOT TELL A LIE. Literally. The man is incapable of lying to me. He's worse than Clinton. (As in Bill.)

Case in point: tonight.

Me: OMG! My blog stalker has found out where I work! How is that possible??? (All the while secretly pleased that I have a blog stalker who isn't one of my friends or family.)

Steve: ..... (His face has transformed into this silly sort of half-grin that automatically screams: I KNOW! I HAVE A SECRET AND I CAN'T KEEP IT!!!)

Me: Wait, you know about this guy Kermit? This guy who's been blog-stalking me???

Steve: ..... (Smirky smile)

Me: Steve, come on tell me.

Steve: I don't know anything!

Me: Come on tell me! (Repeat five or six or eight times).

Steve: (As if it wasn't completely obvious) Okay, I know who it is!

So, now I'm going to have to find another blog stalker. How sad. I thought I had a fan. Thanks a lot Nate!


Kermit said...

I do my best to entertain. I so wish I could have seen the look on your face!

> said...

Darn -- you finally figured it out!!! This was so much fun while it lasted...

Kilgore Trout said...

I really don't know who that was.

Unknown said...

Wait, I'm Nate and I've only just started stalking!